
Powder of Quillaja saponaria

Phytogenic feed ingredient for environment friendly animal production

ENVIRO QS is a natural product, made of pure Quillaja saponaria powder, rich ini triterpenoid sapoins and polyhenols. ENVIRO QS comprises a range of saponins and polyphenols that work synergistically, inhibiting urease activity and consequently reducing odor from animal production.

Dosage & Usage
100-200 g/ton in poultry, swine g/ton complete feed
250-500 g/ton in fish and shrimp g/ton complete feed
0.1-0.2 g/day in beef cattle per 100 kg of body weight
1-2 g/day in dairy cows per head

Storage Instruction
Should be stored in a cool, dry place in original, closed packaging

Paper bags 20 kg

Expired time
24 months after production date

Registration number
Kementan RI No. I.20046410 FTS

Produced by
Delacon Biotechnik GmbH, Austria