PT Sehat Cerah Indonesia

PT Sehat Cerah Indonesia is a company engaged in the field of import and distribution of animal medicines.


years history

PT Sehat Cerah Indonesia is a company engaged in the field of import and distribution of animal medicines. Headquartered in Jakarta, PT Sehat Cerah Indonesia also has 7 branch offices spread throughout Indonesia including Bandung, Surabaya, Solo, Medan, Palembang, Makassar, and Yogyakarta.

SCI History SCI History
SCI History

In order to meet the needs of PT Sehat Cerah Indonesia's customers, we provide various solutions for breeders and feed mills including feed additive products, farm products, and companion animal products.

Currently, PT Sehat Cerah Indonesia has been working with several suppliers from various countries, including:

  • AB Vista - England
  • Anpario - England
  • Biopharma - Malaysia
  • Calier - Spain
  • Delacon - Austria
  • Emivest - Vietnam
  • Evonik - Germany
  • Innovad NV/SA - Belgium
  • ITPSA - Spain
  • LanXess - Germany
  • Lipidos Toledo S.A. (Liptosa) - Spain
  • Neofarma SRL - Italy
  • Norel - Spain
  • Nuscience / Royal Agrifirm - Netherlands
  • Shandong NB Group - China
  • Sumitomo Chemical - Japan
  • Zoetis - United States

The field team of PT Sehat Cerah Indonesia consists of veterinarians and animal husbandry graduates who are technically and professionally trained, ready to serve our loyal customers throughout Indonesia.

SCI Field Staff

PT Sehat Cerah Indonesia is always committed to ensuring customer satisfaction, in terms of product quality and distribution of goods to technical assistance and product application in the field.

SCI Visi Misi

To be the leading animal health products distributor in livestock and aqua business.


Providing the best products and services to customers.


Integrity, Teamwork, and Continuous Improvement



Established in Jakarta, Indonesia


Started Division of Veterinary Medicine and Import


Started importing


Opened Medan, Bandung, Palembang, and Solo branch


Opened Surabaya branch


Opened Yogyakarta and Makassar branch

Achievements and Awards


Drh. Meiti Ifianti, M.M.
Drh. Meiti Ifianti, M.M.
Drh. Daru Kintoko
Drh. Daru Kintoko
General Manager (Sales)
Drh. Sussi Widi Kurniasih, M.Si.
Drh. Sussi Widi Kurniasih, M.Si.
Laboratory Senior Manager